setiap game pasti punya kelebihan sendiri namun yang hanya ada di bawah ini adalah hanya game game yang mempunyai grafik terbaik namun grafik itu pun juga berpengaruh terhadap VGA card ini lah 10 game yang mempunyai grafik terbaik ....
10. Battlefield 3
nah ini dia game yang pertama yang akan kita lihat grafik nya, game battlefield 3 tidak hanya senjatanya lengkap namun dia memiliki grfik terbaik sari mulai asap dan jaitan jaitan di baju mulai terlihat namun kapasitas VGA card untuk game ini pun sangat lah besar game ini membutuh kan 1GB VGA card.
game mafia II adalah game yang menunjukan kehidupan para mafia mafia tahun '45
dan apasih kelebihan grafik nya?? mafia 2 ternyata masuk kedalam game yang mempunyai grafik terbaik tahun 2011 kare game ini hanya membutuhkan sedikit kapasitas dari VGA card yaitu 512 MB dan anehnya mengapa bisa game grafik terbaik hanya membutuh kan 512MB nah inilah kelebihannya
8.Need For Speed shift 2 unleashed
need for speed memang pernah mengeluarkan game yang mempunyai grafik terburuk namun need for speed pasti ingin mengubahnya nah inilah beberapa perbuahan dari need for speed yaitu bentuk 3D mobil track dan beberapa item baru, sedikit yang saya lihat dar NFS shift 2 ada lah meniru gaya forza motorsport yaitu game yang hanya ada di Xbox . of duty modern warfare 3
belum kita baca saja sudah terlihat bagus gambarnya menurut para gamers yang menyukai perang game ini memiliki character tersendiri yaitu pasti grafiknya dan fitur fitur yang belum dimiliki game perang lain namun game ini pun sangat menarik beberapa orang di dunia termasuk saya.
6.Crysis 2
nah ini dia game yang meniru alien vs predator namun game ini lebijh di modifikasi sedikit tapi game ini hanya memerlukan 512 MB dan saya pun mempunyai game ini pertama kali saya memainkan game ini pun saya terkagum kagum karena kelebihan grfik nya yang sangat bagus.
5.split second
nah inilah game yang saya agak sediki gak ngerti tujuannya apakah tujuan game ini kabur dari bencana atau kabur dari kiama dan kenapa kabur di kasi batas jalan dan bersama sama kabur nya tapi jika dikategori grafik split second memang bagus.
4. GTA IV nah game yang satu ini mirip sekali dengan MAFIA II namun anehnya game ini memerlukan 4CD - DVD dan membutuhkan banyak kapasitas VGA card setelah itu game GTA IV merupakan perubahan dari GTA san andreas. GTA IV memang meniru gaya MAFIA II namun game gta IV tidak bisa menjadikan simple seperti MAFIA II.
game assasin's creed ini memang kelihatan luar biasa apalagi ketika pertama kali muncul di dunia game, game ini adalah game yang sangat indah ketika pertama kali keluar dan game ini melakukan revolusi dari semua game petualangan
lagi lagi game buatan rockstar ini yang baru saja muncul namun game ini belum ada di indonesia sangat lah bagus perubahan dari GTA IV hanya sedikit perubahan dari GTA IV dan grafik yang sangat bagus saya akan berkata wow untuk game ini
1.Need For Speed THE RUN
lagi lagi game Need For Speed mengeluarkan game yang terbaik sepanjang masa karena game ini memiliki fitur fitur tersendiri dan belum di punyai oleh game lain dan game ini termasuk game yang SANGAT BAGUS karena game ini sama sekali tidak meniru game lain
Sunday, March 17, 2013
10 Game Playstation Terbaik di Dunia
10. Final Fantasy VI
Belajar Dari Masa Lalu. Berabad-abad telah berlalu sejak perang orang Majus - peradaban telah dibangun kembali dengan besi, mesin dan teknologi. Tapi kekuatan sihir telah mulai kembali, dan ketika sebuah Esper kuno ditemukan, risiko untuk perang kembali muncul. Menampilkan semua-baru urutan CG sinematik eksklusif untuk edisi ini. Temukan asal-usul fitur khusus kemudian dikembangkan dalam seri berikutnya FINAL FANTASY, termasuk sihir memanggil, quests mini, sistem Active Time Battle dan jauh lebih banyak senjata, item, mantra sihir dan keterampilan khusus memungkinkan untuk kedalaman gameplay yang luar biasa dan strategi.
9. Digimon World 3
Dalam waktu dekat, ketika teknologi komputer telah maju . Junior, seorang anak berusia 12 tahun, dan teman-temannya Teddy dan Ivy sedang bermain game terpanas di lingkungan mereka, "Digimon Online." Dalam permainan ini, para pemain memasuki Dunia Digital dan melakukan perjalanan dan petualangan menarik dengan Digimon. Sampai suatu hari yang menentukan ketika seorang teman berada di tengah permainan, kecelakaan terjadi dan mereka menjadi terjebak di dalam Dunia Digital! Apakah ada komplotan jahat di Dunia Digital? Anda, sebagai Junior, sekarang harus pergi pada pencarian dengan Digimon Anda untuk menyelamatkan Dunia Digimon, dan menyelamatkan teman Anda!
8. The Legend of Dragoon
Sebuah awal damai. Legenda itu lahir 10.000 tahun yang lalu. Sebuah pemberontakan kekerasan. Sebuah peradaban makhluk terbang memperbudak umat manusia. Sebuah perang berdarah. Dalam upaya untuk kebebasan, manusia memanfaatkan roh-roh Naga dan kemenangan. Ketenangan dan harmoni ada di antara semua. Tapi masa lalu dan masa depan akan segera bertabrakan,selubung fantasi Kemuliaan, Pemikiran, Pertarungan Sihir dan Retribusi Berubah menjadi Dragoons dan melepaskan kekuatan yang luar biasa. Menggunakan senjata beragam karakter unik dan Dragoon serangan didukung oleh pasukan Bumi, Cahaya, Api, Angin, Petir, Air dan Kegelapan. Benar-benar unik dan inovatif tempur taktis "Additionals" Sistem.
7. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Sebagai keturunan Dracula, Anda harus mengakhiri garis keturunan vampir. Dapatkah Anda membebaskan dunia dari teror ini tak terkatakan? Mengungkap misteri Castlevania dan menantang petualangan sebagai legendaris seperti namanya. Lebih dari 140 musuh berbeda, boss, dan makhluk mengerikan. Mantra magis spektakuler - berubah menjadi kelelawar, serigala, atau kabut etheral. Senjata tersembunyi, rahasia, dan karakter game ini adalah Castlevania terbesar yang pernah ada!
6. Digimon World
Hanya Anda yang dapat menyelamatkan Dunia Digimon! Ketika Anda masuk ke dunia yang aneh, apa yang menanti Anda di sisi lain? Apakah Anda adalah orang yang mereka cari? Apakah Anda memiliki apa yang diperlukan untuk menyelamatkan Dunia Digimon?
Masuklah ke dalam Arena dan lakukan pertempuran dengan teman menggunakan Digimon Anda yang telah dilatih!
Masuklah ke dalam Arena dan lakukan pertempuran dengan teman menggunakan Digimon Anda yang telah dilatih!
5. Chrono Cross
Menampilkan alur cerita yang dikembangkan oleh pencipta Chrono Trigger dan Xenogears, Chrono Cross telah diumumkan sebagai "Penciptaan RPG terbaik" oleh tim pengembang. Dengan beberapa skenario dilemparkan sepanjang benang cerita tunggal, dan akhiran yang berbeda, replay masing-masing dapat menghasilkan sebuah petualangan yang sama sekali baru.
Selain itu, sistem pertempuran merek baru membuat pertempuran halus dan inovatif dengan memperkenalkan sistem elemen bidang dan sistem combo yang memberikan fleksibilitas pilihan pemain yang tak tertandingi dalam pertempuran mereka. Penghapusan pertempuran acak juga mempercepat laju permainan, dan menempatkan pilihan tempat untuk pertempuran di tangan pemain. Dengan karakter desain oleh ilustrator terkenal Jepang dan musik oleh komposer asli Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross menghadirkan fitur visual dan suara yang membawa keajaiban bagi kehidupan.
4. Final Fantasy Tactics
3. Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy terakhir untuk PlayStation, Final Fantasy IX kembali ke akar fantasi murni yang menelurkan seri. Ini angsuran terbaru fitur karakter yang sangat rinci, kendaraan, dan lingkungan, dan hati bioskop-grafis. Penambahan fitur baru seperti sistem kisah-meningkatkan Active Time Event system dan kembalinya minigames yang memberikan gameplay tambahan membuat Final Fantasy IX tidak hanya pengalaman gaming yang mengesankan, tetapi juga merupakan langkah maju yang signifikan dalam serinya.
2. Final Fantasy VIII
Bab berikutnya dalam Final Fantasy mengambil seri ke tingkat berikutnya. Final Fantasy VIII menggabungkan alur cerita epik dengan dinamis elemen role-playing, musik hati, dan karakter yang terdefinisikan dengan baik. Dunia Final Fantasy VIII datang untuk hidup di layar menyilaukan kesenian digital yang meliputi empat CD. Dengan tambahan senilai jam CG animasi, baru "Junction" sistem, dan kompatibilitas dengan Controller Dual Shock Analog, Final Fantasy VIII adalah tambahan yang menakjubkan untuk serinya.
1. Final Fantasy VII
Sebuah petualangan epik di 3 keping CD. Apa yang dimulai sebagai pemberontakan terhadap sebuah perusahaan menjadi jauh lebih jahat. Dan apa yang meletus melampaui imajinasi. Dengan pemandangan yang jelas, animasi 3D yang subur dan lingkungan, karya agung dari Square Soft yang ini seperti tidak pernah terlihat sebelumnya.
Dari list di atas, adakah yang Kaskuser ingat diantaranya? Janganlah malu untuk memainkan kembali game-game di atas karena game-game di atas adalah karya agung dari para developer game terkemuka.
Friday, March 15, 2013
10 Game Online Terbaik di Dunia
tak perlu panjang lebar lagsung saja dari urutan ke 10 ok.....
FarmVille adalah sebuah permainan simulasi pertanian waktu nyata yang
dikembangkan oleh Zynga sebagai aplikasi di situs jaringan sosial
Facebook dan sebagai App pada iPhone.
Permainan ini memungkinkan anggota Facebook untuk mengelola sebuah pertanian virtual dengan menanam, menumbuhkan, dan memanen tanaman dan pohon virtual, serta memelihara ternak virtual. Sejak diluncurkan pada Juni 2009, FarmVille telah menjadi aplikasi permainan yang paling populer di Facebook, dengan lebih dari 61.600.000 pengguna aktif dan lebih dari 24.100.000 penggemar aplikasi Facebook pada bulan Juni 2010. Total pengguna FarmVille lebih dari 10% dari pengguna Facebook. Meskipun demikian, FarmVille masih digolongkan oleh Zynga sebagai produk beta, dengan "semua pemainnya saat ini dianggap sebagai penguji." Mereka menyatakan bahwa, "Beberapa hal akan mengalami kesalahan. Bug akan muncul" FarmVille dimulai sebagai tiruan dari Farm Town yang lebih dulu populer di Facebook. Pada tanggal 4 Februari 2010, MSN Games Microsoft juga telah meluncurkan FarmVille pada situs webnya yang membutuhkan akun Facebook tetapi tidak memerlukan akun Windows Live ID untuk memainkannya. Pada tanggal 7 Juni 2010 di Apple's WWDC, CEO Zynga mengumumkan bahwa mereka memasukkan FarmVille ke dalam platform IOS tanpa menggunakan Flash yang kemudian dikeluarkan pada tanggal 23 Juni 2010 untuk iPhone, iPod Touch, dan iPad.
Permainan ini memungkinkan anggota Facebook untuk mengelola sebuah pertanian virtual dengan menanam, menumbuhkan, dan memanen tanaman dan pohon virtual, serta memelihara ternak virtual. Sejak diluncurkan pada Juni 2009, FarmVille telah menjadi aplikasi permainan yang paling populer di Facebook, dengan lebih dari 61.600.000 pengguna aktif dan lebih dari 24.100.000 penggemar aplikasi Facebook pada bulan Juni 2010. Total pengguna FarmVille lebih dari 10% dari pengguna Facebook. Meskipun demikian, FarmVille masih digolongkan oleh Zynga sebagai produk beta, dengan "semua pemainnya saat ini dianggap sebagai penguji." Mereka menyatakan bahwa, "Beberapa hal akan mengalami kesalahan. Bug akan muncul" FarmVille dimulai sebagai tiruan dari Farm Town yang lebih dulu populer di Facebook. Pada tanggal 4 Februari 2010, MSN Games Microsoft juga telah meluncurkan FarmVille pada situs webnya yang membutuhkan akun Facebook tetapi tidak memerlukan akun Windows Live ID untuk memainkannya. Pada tanggal 7 Juni 2010 di Apple's WWDC, CEO Zynga mengumumkan bahwa mereka memasukkan FarmVille ke dalam platform IOS tanpa menggunakan Flash yang kemudian dikeluarkan pada tanggal 23 Juni 2010 untuk iPhone, iPod Touch, dan iPad.
Game ini cukup menarik karena tatanan animasinya sangat sangat
baik.....diceritakan game ini bertujuan mempersatukan 13 kerajaan yang
dikuasai oleh Drakath....Drakath menjadi raja setelah menghentikan
perang antara kerajaan baik dan kerajaan jahat dan dari pertarungan itu
Drakath membunuh raja dari kerajaan jahat
saya kurang tahu info tentang game ini karena terus terang saya belum pernah memainkan game ini secara langsung. hehehehe.
Mafia Wars adalah permainan simulasi yang dibuat oleh Zynga. Permainan
ini semula berjalan di Facebook, Myspace, Tagged, dan Yahoo. Namun,
sejak 1 Mei 2010, Zynga menghentikan layanan game Mafia Wars di Tagged.
Dari judulnya anda sudah tau kan???Ya...Game ini banyak diminati
beberapa orang karena gamenya yang menarik dan DLL.selain itu,banyak
dari pemain game ini memainkan game ini sebagai sarana untuk mencari
uang dengan cara menjual chip mereka ke pemain lainnya.pembeli chip
membeli chip secara ilegal karena jika membeli langsung dari zynga
harganya berkali-kali lipat dari harga yang ditawarkan seorang penjual
chip ilegal.
Night club city adalah game seperti disco discoan yang full musik dan menyenangkan..bisa mendekorasi ruangan DLL..
Audition Online (Korean: ģ¤ėģ
ģØė¼ģø), dikenal juga sebagai Dancin' Paradise
di Jepang Dan dikenal sebagai ayo dance di Indonesia, adalah permainan
multiplayer online casual rhythm game yang bisa di download diproduksi
oleh T3 Entertainment. Pada awalanya diluncurkan di Korea Selatan pada
tahun 2005, tetapi sekrang telah tersebar diseluruh dunia dengan
pengedar yang berbeda pula. Audition Online ini gratis untuk bermain
tetapi kita harus membeli item virualnya seperti baju pemain (Avatar).
Di Korea Selatan versi PSP (dinamai Audition Portable) dan versi ponsel diedarkan pada 1 Juni 2007 dan 4 Juni 2007.
Pada 12 Juni 2008, Audition Korea sekarang telah mencapai Season 2. Audition Season 2 menghadirkan interface yang baru, sitem suara, dan ekspresi yang lebih baik.
Di Korea Selatan versi PSP (dinamai Audition Portable) dan versi ponsel diedarkan pada 1 Juni 2007 dan 4 Juni 2007.
Pada 12 Juni 2008, Audition Korea sekarang telah mencapai Season 2. Audition Season 2 menghadirkan interface yang baru, sitem suara, dan ekspresi yang lebih baik.
Ninja saga adalah sebuah game Flash player RPG yang menyenangkan yang terdiri dari beberapa sistem..Diantaranya sistem battle clan,hunting house..dll.saya memempati game ini dalam urutan ketiga bukan karena ini game favorit saya,tetapi berdasarkan hasil voting.banyak para cheater yang membuat berbagai jenis cheat game ini (termasuk saya.hehehehe).anda juga dapat mendownload cheatnya pada blog ini.
Ninja saga adalah sebuah game Flash player RPG yang menyenangkan yang terdiri dari beberapa sistem..Diantaranya sistem battle clan,hunting house..dll.saya memempati game ini dalam urutan ketiga bukan karena ini game favorit saya,tetapi berdasarkan hasil voting.banyak para cheater yang membuat berbagai jenis cheat game ini (termasuk saya.hehehehe).anda juga dapat mendownload cheatnya pada blog ini.
Defense of the Ancients (atau disingkat DotA) adalah sebuah custom map (peta buatan) untuk permainan komputer buatan Blizzard berjudul Warcraft III:Frozen Throne, yang dibuat berdasarkan map "Aeon of Strife" dari permainan Blizzard lainnya, StarCraft. Tujuan utama permainan ini adalah untuk menghancurkan "Ancient" musuh, sebuah struktur yang dijaga ketat di pojok kiri bawah atau kanan atas (yang satu untuk sisi sendiri dan yang satu lagi untuk sisi musuh). Kedua sisi yang bertarung adalah The Sentinel (pasukan penjaga) dan The Scourge (pasukan pembinasa). The Sentinel menjaga Ancient bernama Tree of the World (pohon dunia) di pojok kiri bawah, sedangkan The Scourge menjaga Ancient bernama Frozen Throne (tahta yang membeku) di pojok kanan atas.
Pemain dapat menggunakan tokoh kuat yang disebut "hero" (pahlawan), dan dibantu oleh pahlawan sekutu dan anak buah—petarung (creep) yang dikontrol oleh AI. Seperti dalam permainan peran (RPG), pemain dapat meningkatkan level tokoh pahlawan mereka dan menggunakan emas untuk membeli perlengkapan selama permainan.
Permainan ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan World Editor dari permainan Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, dan dirubah dengan dirilisnya The Frozen Throne. Terdapat berbagai konsep dasar, dengan yang paling populer adalah DotA Allstars, yang diurus oleh beberapa pembuat map selama pengembangan. Sejak dirilis, Allstars muncul dalam beberapa turnamen dunia, termasuk BlizzCon Blizzard Entertainment dan World Cyber Games Asia, dan juga liga Cyberathlete Amateur dan CyberEvolution.
Point Blank adalah sebuah permainan komputer ber-genre FPS yang dimainkan secara online. Permainan ini dikembangkan oleh Zepetto dari Korea Selatan dan dipublikasikan oleh NCSoft. Selain di Korea Selatan, permainan ini mempunyai server sendiri di Thailand, Rusia, dan Indonesia. Di Indonesia, permainan ini dikelola oleh PT. Kreon melalui Gemscool. Point Blank berkisah tentang perseteruan antara Free Rebels dan pemerintah yang dalam hal ini adalah Counter Terrorist Force(CT-Force)..
nah itulah 10 game terbaik dunia ok mudah mudahan saja bermanfaat bagi sahabat ILMU BLOGGER,,
simak teruss yaa!!!SALAM BLOGGER BY syahdan
7 Anime Terpopuler Di Dunia
7 Anime Terpopuler di Dunia
Written By Muhamad Fadilah on Selasa, 22 Januari 2013 | 05.33
pasti sudah tidak asing lagi , dari berbagai kalangan umur sangat
gemar dengan yang satu ini, Anime juga menjadi pasar industri yang
bagus dan menguntungkan . Berikut adalah 7 Anime terbaik Versi
Surgaberita :
Death Note
Death Note adalah judul sebuah serial manga Jepang yang ditulis oleh Tsugumi Ohba dan ilustrasi oleh Takeshi Obata. Anime Death Note tentu saja diangkat dari manganya yang berjudul sama.Manga ini menceritakan tentang Light Yagami, seorang siswa jenius yang secara kebetulan menemukan “Death Note” milik shinigami (dewa kematian). Direalisasikan di majalah Shonen Jump dari Januari 2004 hingga Mei 2006 dengan total 108 bab. Versi tankoubonnya terbit sebanyak 12 jilid dan 1 jilid spesial yang berjudul How to Read 13 yang berisi tentang penjelasan dan profil tentang Death Note.
Death Note
Death Note adalah judul sebuah serial manga Jepang yang ditulis oleh Tsugumi Ohba dan ilustrasi oleh Takeshi Obata. Anime Death Note tentu saja diangkat dari manganya yang berjudul sama.Manga ini menceritakan tentang Light Yagami, seorang siswa jenius yang secara kebetulan menemukan “Death Note” milik shinigami (dewa kematian). Direalisasikan di majalah Shonen Jump dari Januari 2004 hingga Mei 2006 dengan total 108 bab. Versi tankoubonnya terbit sebanyak 12 jilid dan 1 jilid spesial yang berjudul How to Read 13 yang berisi tentang penjelasan dan profil tentang Death Note.
One Piece
Kepopuleran One Piece dalam Weekly Shonen Jump, membuat pihak Toei Animation memutuskan membuat serial anime nya. Rating animenya sangat tinggi dan hingga kini telah dirilis lebih dari 300 episode, 8 movie, dan 1 OVA.
Awal dari era anime One Piece sebenarnya adalah sebuah OVA One Piece, yaitu One Piece: Defeat the Pirate Ganzackt!, diterbitkan pada tahun 1997 kemudian diikuti tayangan mingguan per episode. Sampai 30 Maret 2008, total episode TV One Piece yaitu 349 Episode. Dari episode 207 kedepan, One Piece disiarkan dalam fitur high-definition dengan resolusi 1080i. One Piece disiarkan rata-rata 4 episode per bulan.
Judul lengkap Inuyasha, yang feodal Fairy Tale ,Sengoku OtogizÅshi Inuyasha “Berperang-Serikat Fairy-Tale Buku: Inuyasha”), adalah seorang Jepang manga series ditulis dan diilustrasikan oleh Rumiko Takahashi. Seri mengikuti perjalanan waktu SMA siswa, setengah-iblis, yang bejat biarawan, seorang rubah iblis, setan pembunuh, dan Nekomata selama periode Sengoku ketika mereka berusaha untuk menemukan semua pecahan Jewel of Four Souls dan untuk menjaga mereka dari tangan orang yang berbuat jahat, terutama Naraku.
Episode dari Bleach anime series disutradarai oleh Noriyuki Abe dan diproduksi oleh TV Tokyo, Dentsu, dan Studio Pierrot. Bleach telah ditayangkan sejak 5 Oktober 2004 di TV Tokyo di Jepang. dalam bahasa Inggris adaptasi dari anime Bleach perdana di Kanada’s YTV saluran di Bionix pemrograman blok pada tanggal 8 September 2006. Cartoon Network mulai menayangkan Bleach malam berikut sebagai bagian dari Adult Swim blok. Adult Swim berhenti siaran episode baru dari adaptasi Inggris pada 20 Oktober 2007 setelah ditayangkan 52 episode pertama dari seri. Seri kembali dari hiatus pada tanggal 2 Maret 2008. Di Inggris, Bleach perdana pada AnimeCentral pada 13 September 2007, dengan episode baru ditayangkan setiap hari, tetapi saat ini pada hiatus setelah ditayangkan pertama 52 episode.
Eyeshield 21
Eyeshield 21 adalah judul manga dan anime karya Riichiro Inagaki dan Yuusuke Murata yang bercerita tentang seorang sekelompok murid SMA yang mengikuti kegiatan klub American football di sekolahnya. Eyeshield 21 pertama kali diterbitkan di Jepang oleh Shueisha dalam majalah Shonen Jump. Di Indonesia, manga ini diterbitkan oleh Elex Media Komputindo dan Real Comics. Eyeshield 21 terbitan Elex Media Komputindo sekarang baru mencapai volume 29. Manga Eyeshield 21 telah tamat pada chapter 333. Versi animenya diproduksi oleh NAS dan dianimasikan oleh Studio Gallop, tayang perdana di seluruh Jepang pada TV Tokyo dari 6 April 2005 dan berakhir pada 1 Maret 2008 dengan jumlah 145 episode. Anime disponsori oleh NFL Japan. Anime ini juga ditayangkan di Singapura(berlangganan), Taiwan dan Indonesia. Di Indonesia, Eyeshield 21 sendiri ditayangkan pertama kali oleh stasiun televisi swasta Global TV.
Samurai X:
Samurai X memiliki judul asli Rurouni Kenshin ialah manga dan anime karya Nobuhiro Watsuki yang berlatar belakang awal dari era Meiji di Jepang. Manga ini terbit di majalah mingguan Shonen Jump dan telah dibukukan menjadi 28 seri buku. Di Indonesia manga ini diterbitkan oleh Elex Media Komputindo pada tahun 2002 dengan judul Samurai X.
Manga ini bercerita tentang seorang samurai dari kelompok Choshu yang telah berhasil memenangkan pertempuran pada zaman Keshogunan Tokugawa yang pada akhirnya membentuk zaman baru di Jepang yang disebut zaman Meiji. Pada zaman Meiji, seseorang tidak lagi diperbolehkan membawa pedang di jalanan.
Pada masa ini, Kenshin Himura atau lebih dikenal sebagai "Hitokiri Battousai" atau Batosai si pembantai, menyesali perbuatannya di masa lampau yang telah membunuh banyak orang, dan dia bersumpah untuk tidak membunuh seorangpun di masa ini. Untuk itu Kenshin menggunakan pedang "Sakabatou", yang bermata terbalik.
Naruto Shippuden atau Naruto II adalah plot dari seri mangga Naruto, menitikberatkan pada petualangan Uzumaki Naruto dan Haruno Sakura dan misi pencarian Uchiha Sasuke setelah ia meninggalkan Konohagakure. Pada plot ke-2 ini, pergerakan organisasi Akatsuki semakin terlihat. Naruto Shippuden juga telah dibuat versi movie-nya dengan judul Naruto Shippuden The Movie.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Tugas Ipa
The Big Bang Theory
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This article is about the television comedy. For the scientific theory, see Big Bang. For other uses, see Big Bang Theory (disambiguation).
The Big Bang Theory | |
Genre | Sitcom[1] |
Created by | Chuck Lorre Bill Prady |
Directed by | Mark Cendrowski |
Starring | |
Theme music composer | Barenaked Ladies |
Opening theme | "Big Bang Theory Theme"[3][4] |
Country of origin | United States |
Original language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 6 |
No. of episodes | 129 (List of episodes) |
Production | |
Executive producer(s) | Chuck Lorre Bill Prady Steven Molaro |
Producer(s) | Faye Oshima Belyeu |
Editor(s) | Peter Chakos |
Camera setup | Multi-camera |
Running time | 18–22 minutes (without commercials) |
Production company(s) | Chuck Lorre Productions Warner Bros. Television |
Broadcast | |
Original channel | CBS |
Picture format | 1080i (HDTV) |
Audio format | DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 |
Original run | September 24, 2007 – present |
External links | |
Website |
The show is centered on five characters: roommates Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper; Penny, a waitress and aspiring actress who lives across the hall; and Leonard and Sheldon's equally geeky and socially awkward friends and co-workers, aerospace engineer Howard Wolowitz and astrophysicist Raj Koothrappali. The geekiness and intellect of the four guys is contrasted for comic effect with Penny's social skills and common sense.[6][7]
Over time, supporting characters have been promoted to starring roles: Leslie Winkle, a physicist colleague at Caltech and, at different times, a lover of both Leonard and Howard; Bernadette Rostenkowski, Howard's girlfriend (later his wife), a microbiologist and former part-time waitress alongside Penny; Stuart Bloom, the cash-strapped owner of the comic book store the characters often visit, and neuroscientist Amy Farrah Fowler, who joins the group after surreptitiously being matched to Sheldon on a dating website.
On January 12, 2011, CBS announced that the series had been renewed for an additional three years, extending it through the 2013–14 season.[8] As of the 2012–13 television season, the series is in its sixth season, which premiered on September 27, 2012.[9]
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The show's initial pilot, developed for the 2006–07 television season, was substantially different from its current form. The only characters from the initial pilot that were kept for the reshot pilot for the series were Leonard and Sheldon (portrayed by Johnny Galecki and Jim Parsons respectively and named after Sheldon Leonard).[10] The cast was rounded off by two female leads: Canadian actress Amanda Walsh as Katie, "a street-hardened, tough-as-nails, woman with a vulnerable interior" who the boys meet after she breaks up with her boyfriend and invite to live in their apartment (Katie was replaced by Penny in the second pilot);[11][12] and Iris Bahr as Gilda, a scientist colleague and friend of the boys who was threatened by Katie's presence. The initial pilot used Thomas Dolby's hit "She Blinded Me with Science" as theme music.The series was not picked up, but the creators were given an opportunity to retool the show and produce a second pilot. They brought in the remaining cast and retooled the show to its final format. The original unaired pilot has never been officially released, but it has circulated on the Internet. On the evolution of the show, Lorre said "We did the 'Big Bang Pilot' about two and a half years ago, and it sucked... but there were two remarkable things that worked perfectly, and that was Johnny and Jim. We rewrote the thing entirely, and then we were blessed with Kaley and Simon and Kunal." As to whether the world will ever see that original pilot, maybe on a DVD, Lorre said "Wow that would be something, we will see. Show your failures..."[13]
The first and second pilots of The Big Bang Theory were directed by James Burrows, who did not continue with the show. The reworked second pilot led to a 13-episode order by CBS on May 14, 2007.[14] Prior to its airing on CBS, the pilot episode was distributed on iTunes free of charge. The show premiered September 24, 2007, and was picked up for a full 22-episode season on October 19, 2007.[15] However, production was halted on November 6, 2007 due to the Writers Guild of America strike. The series returned on March 17, 2008 in an earlier time slot[16] and ultimately only 17 episodes were produced.[17][18] After the strike ended, the show was picked up for a second season airing in the 2008–2009 season, premiering in the same time slot on September 22, 2008.[19] With increasing ratings, the show received a two-year renewal through the 2010–11 season.[20][21] Since then, the show has been picked up for three more seasons.[22] The show is filmed in front of a live audience,[23] and is produced by Warner Bros. Television and Chuck Lorre Productions.[24]
David Saltzberg, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of California, Los Angeles, checks scripts and provides dialogue, mathematics equations, and diagrams used as props.[6] According to executive producer/co-creator Bill Prady, "We're working on giving Sheldon an actual problem that he's going to be working on throughout the [first] season so there's actual progress to the boards ... We worked hard to get all the science right."[7]
Several of the actors in The Big Bang Theory worked together previously on Roseanne including Johnny Galecki, Sara Gilbert, and Laurie Metcalf (who plays Sheldon's mother, Mary Cooper). Additionally, Lorre was a writer on the series for several seasons.
Theme song
The Canadian alternative rock band Barenaked Ladies wrote and recorded the show's theme song, which describes the history and formation of the universe and the Earth. Ed Robertson, lead singer and guitarist in the band, was asked by Lorre and Prady to write a theme song for the show. Having been asked to write songs for other films and shows only to have them rejected in favor of another artist's, Robertson agreed to write a theme only after learning that he was the sole writer whom Lorre and Prady had asked. He drew inspiration from Simon Singh's book, Big Bang, which he had coincidentally just finished reading.[25][26]On October 9, 2007, a full-length (1 minute and 45 seconds) version of the song was released commercially.[27] A music video was also released via special features on The Complete Fourth Season DVD and Blu-ray set.[28][29] The theme was included on the the band's greatest hits album, Hits from Yesterday & the Day Before, which was released on September 27, 2011.[30]
Creating a space environment
The season finale of season 5 depicted Howard Wolowitz traveling to the International Space Station (ISS) on board a Soyuz rocket, and season 6 featured him working in the ISS. Thanks to technical consulting from Astronaut Mike Massimino, who also played himself on the show, the production crew was able to put together sets that realistically depicted the Soyuz capsule and the ISS. The Soyuz capsule was constructed based on photos from NASA, the Kansas Cosmosphere for dimensions, and scavenged parts from an aerospace junkyard in Los Angeles. A small 20-foot (6.1 m) portion of a chamber that is a model of the ISS was rented and used as the set for the ISS. "Unique camera angles and creative framing" were used to make the set look larger. To simulate weightlessness, the production crew decided to use "long skinny platforms" to support the actors from below, rather than use tethers to suspend from above. The actors were required to act out "motions of microgravity" in order to create "theatrical authenticity".[31]Actors' salaries
For the first three seasons, Galecki, Parsons and Cuoco, the three main stars of the show, received at most $60,000 per episode. The salary for the three went up to $200,000 per episode for the fourth season. According to their contracts, their per-episode pay will go up an additional $50,000 in each of the following three seasons, culminating in $350,000 per episode in the seventh season.[32][33]Main cast
Main article: List of The Big Bang Theory characters
These actors have been credited in all episodes of the series:- Johnny Galecki[34] as Leonard Hofstadter, Ph.D. – An experimental physicist with an IQ of 173. He received his Ph.D. when he was 24 years old. He is originally from New Jersey. The straight man of the series, he shares an apartment with colleague and friend Sheldon Cooper. The writers immediately implied potential romance between him and neighbor Penny, and their sexual tension is frequently explored including occasional dating. In Season 3, Leonard begins an on-again, off-again romantic relationship with Penny, although the two continue to live separately.
- Jim Parsons[35] as Sheldon Cooper, B.S., M.S., M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D.[36] – Originally from East Texas, he was a child prodigy with an eidetic memory who began college at the age of 11 (after completing the fifth grade), started graduate studies at 14, and earned a Ph.D. at 16. A theoretical physicist researching quantum mechanics and string theory, he has a master's degree, two Ph.D.s, an Sc.D., and an IQ of 187. He exhibits a strict adherence to routine and a lack of understanding of irony and sarcasm; he is also uninterested in many of the romantic hijinks of his friends. Sheldon shares an apartment with Leonard Hofstadter, across the hall from Penny, and relies on both for advice in social situations. Sheldon is very egotistical, and he often boasts about his intelligence, although he lacks social skills. Sheldon relies on his friends to drive him around, and he eventually tries to go for his driver's license but is unable to complete the task. In the fourth season, he begins a relationship with Amy Farrah Fowler, who becomes his first girlfriend during the fifth season, even though he is wary of germs and physical contact. He is a very introverted character. He is also famous for knocking on a door before saying the name of whom he's addressing, repeating this three times.
- Kaley Cuoco[37] as Penny – From a small town outside of Omaha, Nebraska,[38] a blonde who lives across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard. She is pursuing a career in acting, and has been on casting calls and auditions but has not been very successful thus far. To pay the bills, she is a waitress and occasional bartender at The Cheesecake Factory. To date, her last name has not been revealed. She dated Leonard at the end of the first season, and during the third, fifth, and sixth seasons.[39] By season four, Bernadette, Amy and Penny have formed their own group, who like to hang out in Penny's apartment or go out together.
- Simon Helberg[40] as Howard Wolowitz, M.Eng.[41] – He works as an aerospace engineer. He is Jewish, and lives with his mother. Unlike Sheldon, Leonard, and Raj, Howard lacks a Ph.D. He defends this by pointing out that he has a master's degree in engineering from MIT and that the apparatus he designs are launched into space, unlike the purely abstract work of his friends, including going to space himself in the Season 5 finale. He fancies himself a ladies' man and devises outrageous pick-up lines, with suitably unimpressed reactions from Penny and limited success with other women. He claims to be a polyglot. He dates and later marries Bernadette Rostenkowski. In the fifth season, he trained as an astronaut, and blasted off into space in the season finale to serve as a payload specialist on the International Space Station.
- Kunal Nayyar[42] as Raj Koothrappali, Ph.D. – Originally from New Delhi, India, he works as a particle astrophysicist at Caltech.[43] His family is very wealthy. He communicates with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. V.M. Koothrappali, via webcam. He is very shy around women and is physically unable to talk to them (except for his mother and his sister) unless he drinks alcohol, or at least thinks he has been drinking alcohol, or has taken experimental medications provided by the pharmacology department at the university. However, he has often had better luck with women than his overly-confident best friend Howard. He has very feminine tastes and often takes on a stereotypical female role in his close friendship with Howard, but he insists that he is not gay.[44] During the fourth season, his sister Priya (Aarti Mann) stays with him and becomes Leonard's girlfriend.
- Sara Gilbert as Leslie Winkle, Ph.D. (recurring season 1, starring season 2, recurring season 3)[45][46] – a physicist who works in the same lab as Leonard. In appearance she is essentially Leonard's female counterpart, equipped with the black framed glasses and sweat jackets. She is an enemy of Sheldon's, due to their conflicting scientific theories. Though each considers the other to be intellectually inferior, Leslie is much wittier than Sheldon, regularly calling him "dumbass", and she usually bests him in their repartee. Leslie has had casual sex with Leonard and later Howard; in the case of the former, it reunited Gilbert and Galecki on-screen after the two played the on-screen couple of Darlene Connor and David Healy during the run of Roseanne. Gilbert was promoted to a main cast member during the second season but was demoted again because producers could not generate enough content for the character.[45] Gilbert left the series after season 3 concluded to focus her efforts on The Talk, on which she serves as executive producer for CBS.
- Melissa Rauch as Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz, Ph.D. (recurring season 3, starring since season 4)[47] – a young woman who is initially a waitress and co-worker of Penny's, paying her way through graduate school microbiology studies, she defends her doctoral thesis and lands a high-paying science position at the end of season 4. Bernadette is introduced to Howard by Penny. At first they do not get along, apparently having nothing in common. When they find out that they both have overbearing mothers, they feel a connection. During season 3 they date and then break up off-screen, then get back together in season 4. They become engaged near the end of season 4, and marry at the end of season 5.
- Mayim Bialik as Amy Farrah Fowler, Ph.D. (guest starring season 3, starring since mid-season 4)[48] – a woman Raj and Howard met on an online dating site after secretly setting up an account using Sheldon's name and information. The site matches her to Sheldon, and the two share many similar traits though Amy is more interested in social and romantic interaction. Once she and Sheldon meet, she becomes, as Sheldon puts it, a girl who is his friend, but not his "girlfriend". Their relationship slowly progresses through seasons 5 and 6. Amy also believes she and Penny are best friends ("besties", by her own definition), a sentiment that at first Penny respectfully indulges but doesn't share. Penny eventually becomes a real friend, overlooking Amy's "Sheldon"-like qualities. Amy's admiration for Penny has at times bordered on attraction. Amy Fowler has a Ph.D. in neurobiology, while Bialik herself has a doctorate in neuroscience; in the season 1 episode "The Bat Jar Conjecture", Raj suggests recruiting the real-life Bialik to their Physics Bowl team.
- Kevin Sussman as Stuart Bloom (recurring seasons 2–5, starring since season 6) – Stuart runs the comic book store that the guys frequently visit. He is also a nerd, but he has a talent for drawing, is a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design and possesses more social skills than the rest of the guys. During Stuart's first appearance, the guys brought Penny along to the store and he managed to ask her on a date. They go on a few dates until Penny mistakenly calles him "Leonard", leaving him devastated. As Stuart runs a comic book store, he has vast knowledge of comic books and superheroes. In the Season 4 episode "The Toast Derivation", he implied he was in financial trouble and that the comic book store is now also his home. At Howard's bachelor party during the "The Stag Convergence" episode, Stuart uses his toasting turn to tell Howard how lucky he is and compares it to his own situation of living in the back of a comic book store. In Season 6, he is invited to be part of the guys' group while Howard is in space. Sheldon is not very accepting of this due to Stuart's art degree, but relents after Stuart offers him a 30% off discount in the comic book store.
Recurring themes and elements
Much of the show focuses on science, particularly physics. The four main male characters are employed at Caltech and have science-related occupations. The characters frequently banter about scientific theories or news (notably around the start of the show), and make science-related jokes.Science has also interfered with the characters' romantic lives. Leslie broke up with Leonard when he sided with Sheldon in his support for string theory rather than her support for loop quantum gravity.[49] When Leonard joined Sheldon, Raj, and Howard on a three-month Arctic research trip, it separated Leonard and Penny at a time their relationship was budding. When Bernadette took an interest in Leonard's work, it made both Penny and Howard jealous and resulted in Howard confronting Leonard, and Penny asking Sheldon to teach her physics.[50] Sheldon and Amy also briefly ended their relationship after an argument over which of their fields was superior to the other's.[51]
David Saltzberg, who has a Ph.D. in physics, has served as science consultant for the show for five seasons. While Salzberg knows physics, he sometimes needs assistance from Mayim Bialik, who has a Ph.D. in neuroscience. Salzberg sees early versions of scripts which need scientific information added to them, and he also points out where the writers, despite their knowledge of science, have made a mistake. He is usually not needed in a taping unless a lot of science, and especially the whiteboard, is involved.[52]
Sci-fi, fantasy, comic book fandom and gaming
The four main male characters are all avid sci-fi, fantasy, and comic book fans and memorabilia collectors.Star Trek in particular is frequently referenced and Sheldon identifies strongly with the character of Spock; when he is given a used napkin signed by Leonard Nimoy as a Christmas gift from Penny he is overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude ("I possess the DNA of Leonard Nimoy?!").[53] Star Trek: The Original Series cast member George Takei has made a cameo, and Leonard Nimoy made a cameo as the voice of Sheldon's vintage Mr. Spock action figure (both cameos were in dream sequences). Star Trek: The Next Generation cast members Brent Spiner and LeVar Burton have had cameos as themselves,[54][55] while Wil Wheaton has a recurring role as a fictionalized version of himself. All four male characters can speak Klingon to varying degrees—the opening of the episode "The Panty PiƱata Polarization" shows them playing "Klingon Boggle". During the "The Launch Acceleration" episode, Amy and Sheldon were seen playing doctor with Amy dressed in a Star Trek medical uniform.[56] In the episode "The Bakersfield Expedition", the four male leads dress up as Star Trek: The Next Generation characters for a Star Trek convention. When they return home, they hear the women discussing comic books. They believe that they have crossed into an alternate reality in which their girlfriends care for such things, and set their phasers to stun and investigate.
In addition to Star Trek, the group are also fans of Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica and Doctor Who; numerous quotes from Star Wars are made and references to Battlestar Galactica can be seen in some episodes. In season two, Raj once likens Sheldon to C-3PO,[57] an intelligent, yet semi-annoying protocol droid in the Star Wars series. In episode 5 of season 2, Sheldon wants to return a set of white Star Wars sheets to Pottery Barn as they are too exciting for sleeping in.[58] In 2009, Katee Sackhoff of Battlestar Galactica appeared as herself in "The Vengeance Formulation" episode as Howard's fantasy dream girl. She appears again in season 4, in the same role. Leonard likes Babylon 5, but Sheldon refuses to watch it, calling it derivative.[59][n 1] Sheldon also expresses a great liking of Joss Whedon's Firefly, as he is shown to be quite upset with the Fox network for cancelling it.[n 1]
The four males are also fans of fantasy and make references to The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter novels and movies. Howard can speak Sindarin, one of the two Elvish languages from The Lord of the Rings. In one episode, they find a prop of the One Ring and they all fight over who gets to keep it. Leonard once wore a Frodo Baggins costume and Raj once bought what he thought was a "hand crafted" Harry Potter wand on eBay. Raj is a fan of Harry Potter making many references to the franchise. Sheldon in one episode gave Leonard a spoiler to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince that Dumbledore dies. Sheldon can be seen as fond of The Lord of the Rings franchise. He has a Gollum action figure on his desk. Next to football, Sheldon knows a lot about the fantasy sport of Quidditch in Harry Potter. Leonard and Sheldon have a fantasy sword collection.
Wednesday night is the group's designated "comic book night"[60] because that is the day of the week when new comic books are released. The comic book store in question is run by fellow geek and recurring character Stuart. On a number of occasions, the group members have dressed up as pop culture characters, including The Flash, Aquaman, Frodo Baggins, Superman, Batman, Spock, The Doctor, Green Lantern, and Thor (albeit as the original Norse god and not the Marvel Comics character).[61] As a consequence of losing a bet to Stuart, the group members are forced to visit the comic book store dressed as Catwoman, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Supergirl.[62] Sheldon often wears t-shirts depicting Batman, Superman, Flash, or Green Lantern. DC Comics announced that, to promote its comics, the company will sponsor Sheldon wearing Green Lantern t-shirts.[63]
The characters are also fans of the Indiana Jones series, and willing to spend several hours in line outside of a theater to watch a special screening of Raiders of the Lost Ark with 21 seconds of new footage.[64]
Various games have been featured on the show, including fictional games like Mystic Warlords of Ka'a (which became a reality in 2011)[65] and Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock.
Leonard and Penny's relationship
One of the recurring plot lines is the relationship between Leonard and Penny. Leonard becomes attracted to Penny within seconds of seeing her in the pilot episode. The first season frequently featured Leonard's attraction to Penny as a basis for humor. Leonard and Penny go on a date that started the final episode of the first season and ended at the start of the second season; however, Penny quickly breaks up with Leonard because she is afraid that her educational attainments aren't good enough for Leonard and that he may become bored in "The Bad Fish Paradigm" episode. Her excuse for breaking with Leonard was when he showed her some brochures from a local community college and she took it as a knock against her education level and that she felt that he would only date a girl with a college education.They both date other people throughout the second season, but clearly still have feelings for each other as when Penny admits this to herself in "The Monopolar Expedition". When Leonard returns from a 3-month expedition to the North Pole in the season 3 premiere, they commence a relationship which lasts for most of the season until Leonard tells Penny that he loves her and she realizes she cannot say it back, and she reluctantly breaks up with him after Wil Wheaton meddles with their relationship in order to beat Sheldon at bowling per "The Wheaton Recurrence".
Again, both Leonard and Penny go on to date other people; most notably with Leonard dating Raj's sister Priya for much of season 4. Penny has shown regret towards her decision to break up with Leonard by admitting to Raj that she misses Leonard in "The Roommate Transmogrification". She also exhibits jealousy towards Priya, especially after Priya demands Leonard stay away from her as in "The Prestidigitation Approximation". After dating Leonard, Penny also has negative reactions to her male dates who are not very intelligent after dating Zack in "The Lunar Excitation".
Eventually, as the episodes rolled on, Leonard became more and more interested in Priya. However she seemed to become less and less interested in Leonard as they went on dating.[episode needed] Later in the season, in "The Roommate Transmogrification" episode, Leonard is at Raj's apartment, making out with Priya, when her parents call from India, and she has Leonard leave the room as she answers the call. Unknowing of Leonard's presence or his secret relationship with Priya, her parents state that they will be so happy when Priya moves back to India. Leonard comes in, shouting out that he is shocked she is moving back to India, and assumes it means he and Priya are breaking up. Leonard goes home to his apartment, where Raj has been sleeping because of Leonard staying at Raj's apartment. Penny and Raj, while enjoying a friendly evening, got drunk and ended up in bed. Leonard assumes the worst when they emerge from his room, although Penny assures the group "It's not what it looks like." In "The Skank Reflex Analysis," Penny learns from Raj that they did not have sex, but agrees not to tell anybody. Leonard forgives both Raj and Penny, and never learns the truth about what really happened.
In season five in "The Infestation Hypothesis", Leonard resumes his relationship with Priya online. It seems to work for Leonard, but he is conflicted when he meets Alice, a girl who is really into him, at the comic book store. Leonard decides he must be faithful to Priya, ending things with Alice. Leonard confesses to Priya about going out with Alice, only to discover that Priya has slept with an ex-boyfriend, and they break up in "The Good Guy Fluctuation".
Penny is still single and dating, though when drunk has confessed that she regrets breaking up with Leonard, as in "The Roommate Transmogrification". In "The Ornithophobia Diffusion", Leonard and Penny go to the movies as friends. Leonard decides that since they are no longer dating he can be honest and does not have to pay for everything or do whatever Penny wants to make Penny like him and have sex with him. The two bicker all evening and sabotage each other's attempts to chat up people in the bar. Penny decides that she likes the new, more assertive Leonard. Leonard sees this as another opportunity to grovel and try to get Penny to sleep with him, so she leaves.
On the spur of the moment in "The Recombination Hypothesis", Leonard asks Penny out on a date after he imagined what getting back with her might be like. Their real date ends successfully, and they agree to try to renew their relationship slowly in "The Beta Test Initiation". They share a kiss. During her renewed relationship with Leonard she has dismissed comments about him ever leaving or dumping her or about worrying about his unfaithfulness around other women and strippers as in the episode "The Stag Convergence". After Penny suggested having sex in "The Launch Acceleration", Leonard breaks the mood by proposing to her. They later meet and Penny has the courage to tell him "no" and not break up with him as she did two years previously when he told her that he loved her in "The Wheaton Recurrence". In the sixth season episode, "The 43 Peculiarity", Penny finally tells Leonard that she loves him. When Alex Jensen asks Leonard out to dinner, the dynamics of their relationship is reversed with Leonard feeling good at the extra female attention and Penny insecure about their relationship.
Showrunner Bill Prady has hinted that Leonard and Penny's relationship may get "rocky" in season six. Prady explained that the series' on-again-off-again couple will continue to face "challenges", such as their conflicting views about when to "settle down". "What we've always said about Penny and Leonard is they met each other at the wrong time in their lives," he told E!. "Leonard is ready to settle down and Penny isn't yet and it will make things rocky for a while. I think that until she grows up a little bit – and I don't mean emotionally, I mean chronologically – I think they have challenges [ahead]."[66]
Sheldon and Amy's relationship
A storyline that began in the third season finale is the relationship of Sheldon and Amy Farrah Fowler, Ph.D., a neurobiologist. Raj and Howard found her as a possible match for Sheldon through an internet dating service (without Sheldon's knowledge) in "The Lunar Excitation". By Sheldon's own admission, she is most like him by any standard to his mother in "The Zazzy Substitution". Like him, she has previously avoided relationships (whether romantic or otherwise is unclear), and only participated in the online dating herself to fulfill an agreement with her mother that she date at least once a year (in exchange, her mother does not discuss Amy's lack of a love life, plus she gains use of her mother's George Foreman Grill) as told to Penny on her date with Sheldon during "The Robotic Manipulation".During the four months of their relationship (taking place off-screen between seasons 3 and 4), they communicated on a daily basis via text messages, email and Twitter, but never saw each other in person per "The Robotic Manipulation". Sheldon, however, did not consider Amy his girlfriend. Penny later suggests that they should go on a date and ends up driving them and having dinner with them in "The Robotic Manipulation." Penny refers to Sheldon and Amy collectively as "Shamy" as in "The Shiny Trinket Maneuver", but discontinues this after Amy indicates that she dislikes that nickname.
In "The Agreement Dissection", Amy, Penny, and Bernadette decide to take Sheldon dancing. Sheldon dances only with Amy, which he does not mind. He later follows Amy back to her apartment. They talk for a few minutes before she kisses him on the lips. Instead of getting annoyed, Sheldon just says "Fascinating." This is a catalyst for later events[citation needed] and clash of personalities in the relationship of the more scientific, masculine Sheldon, and the more socially open, feminine, and annoyed Amy.
In "The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition", after Amy agrees to go on a date with Stuart the comic book store owner, Sheldon asks Amy to be his girlfriend interrupting her date with Stuart with the stipulation that no other changes occur in their current relationship. The same night and episode, he draws up "The Relationship Agreement" to verify the ground rules of him as her boyfriend and her as his girlfriend (similar to his "Roommate Agreement" with Leonard). Amy agrees but later regrets not having a lawyer read through it.
After Penny and Bernadette go wedding shopping without Amy in "The Isolation Permutation", Sheldon comforts a depressed Amy by cuddling with her on her couch; however, Amy first suggests that they have coitus.
In the episode "The Launch Acceleration", Amy says she’d like to do an experiment using her neurobiology bag of tricks to increase Sheldon’s feelings toward her. Sheldon is skeptical, but goes with it. Amy says she’d like to put on some romantic dinner music, and ends up putting on the Super Mario Bros. theme song. Sheldon catches on, and calls Amy out on the fact that she’s trying to engage his feelings of the happiest times of his life as he starts to hum along. This is further reinforced when she offers Sheldon his favorite drink, Strawberry Quik. She also prepared "spaghetti with little pieces of hot dog cut up" for dinner, which is Sheldon's favorite since his mother used to make it for him. Sheldon is thrilled, and says they should do this more often – instantly realizing he’s been caught in Amy's "trap" as Amy stands next to him with a big smile. At the end of the episode, they were playing doctor "Star Trek style" (Amy dressed in Star Trek attire). Amy’s actions seem to work on Sheldon, who isn’t happy about it but makes no attempt to stop her.
In the final fifth season episode "The Countdown Reflection", Sheldon takes Amy's hand as Howard is launched into space. Amy glances over at him looking quite surprised.
Religion plays a minor role in the series. Sheldon was raised in a fundamentalist Christian household. He refers to his childhood as "hell" during his date in "The Robotic Manipulation", and a recurrent theme is his conflict with his devout mother, Mary, who is a creationist, and whose beliefs often clash with Sheldon's knowledge and understanding of evolution. In "The Lunar Excitation", Sheldon mentions his promise to his mother to attend church once a year.[67] Further evidence of Sheldon's agnosticism is seen when he is heard exclaiming "Why hast thou forsaken me, o deity whose existence I doubt?" upon the discovery that his World of Warcraft account has been hacked.[68] Another example is, according to Raj, his begging the deity in which he didn't believe to kill him quickly upon getting food poisoning at the Rose Bowl.[n 1] Despite this, his religious upbringing leads to moments of religious interjection when his emotions are high – on one occasion, he happily exclaims "Thank you, Jesus!" when he scores a strike in bowling.[69] In addition, he frequently uses the word "Lord," as interjections.At the same time, a running gag in the series is the fact that Howard, who is Jewish and Raj, who is Hindu, frequently defy many of their respective religious customs without worry, such as their constant flouting of dietary prohibitions. They both also tend to give each other grief about them — In the episode "The Financial Permeability," Raj quotes from the book of Leviticus after Howard eats pork, and Howard counters with the fact that he keeps quiet when Raj eats a Whopper.[70] Nevertheless, they are seen to be semi-observant. Raj, for example, occasionally mentions reincarnation and explains his belief in karma, stating that he believes it to be "practically Newtonian – for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Howard celebrates at least some Jewish holidays, once refused to pray in a Christian church so he doesn't "burst into flames" and also wore tattoo sleeves instead of getting real tattoos so he "still can be buried in a Jewish cemetery".[71]
Another frequent theme is Penny's confidence in beliefs that frequently conflict with Leonard and Sheldon's scientific beliefs and knowledge, such as ghosts, astrology, psychics and voodoo. This is first seen in her very first appearance, when she makes reference to her being a Sagittarius, to which Sheldon criticises her belief in astrology, but is most frequently seen in an episode in which she and Leonard had a falling out over the validity of psychics.[72]
Howard's mother
In scenes set at Howard's home in which he interacts with his never seen mother (voiced by Carol Ann Susi), he always does so via shouting conversations between the rooms in his house, and she similarly interacts with other characters in this manner, though she did appear momentarily in the overhead photo of Howard and Bernadette's wedding, though her face was not shown.[73] She reflects the Jewish mother stereotype in some ways, such as being overly controlling of Howard's adult life and sometimes trying to make him feel guilty about causing her trouble. She is dependent on Howard, as she requires him to help her with her wig and makeup in the morning. Howard in turn is attached to his mother to the point where she still cuts his meat for him, takes him to the dentist, does his laundry and "grounds" him when he returns home after briefly moving out.[74] Until Howard's marriage to Bernadette in the fifth season finale, Howard's former living situation led Leonard's psychiatrist mother to speculate that he may suffer from some type of pathology,[75] and Sheldon to refer to their relationship as Oedipal.[76] Her tendency to communicate with Howard by shouting between rooms has led Bernadette and Raj to do impressions of her,[77][78] and Bernadette to attempt to communicate with her in one episode by imitating her style of shouting.[79]Vanity card
Like most shows created by Chuck Lorre, The Big Bang Theory ends by showing a vanity card written by Lorre after the credits, followed by the Warner Bros. Television closing logo. These cards are archived on Lorre's website.[80]Reception
In a 2010 issue of TV Guide, the show's opening title sequence ranked No.6 on a list of television's top 10 credits sequences, as selected by readers.[81]U.S. standard ratings
The Big Bang Theory has been highly rated since its premiere. During its fourth season, it became television's highest rated comedy, just barely beating out eight-year champ Two and a Half Men. However, in the age 18–49 demographic (the show's target age range), it was the second highest rated comedy, behind ABC's Modern Family. The fifth season opened with viewing figures of over 14 million.[82] The sixth season boasts some of the highest-rated episodes for the show so far, with a new series high set with "The Bakersfield Expedition" (Season 6, Episode 13), with 20 million viewers,[83] a first for the series, which along with NCIS, made CBS the first network to have two scripted series reach that large an audience in the same week since 2007. Showrunner Steve Molaro, who took over from Bill Prady with the sixth season, credits this to the sitcom's exposure in syndication, particularly on TBS, while Michael Schneider of TV Guide attributes it to the timeslot move two season earlier. Chuck Lorre and CBS Entertainment president Nina Tassler also credit the success to the influence of Molaro, in particular the deepening exploration of the firmly established regular characters and their interpersonal relationships, such as the on-again, off-again relationship between Leonard and Penny.[84]When the third season premiered on September 21, 2009, The Big Bang Theory ranked as CBS's highest-rated show of that evening in the adults 18–49 demographic (4.6/10) along with a then-series-high 12.83 million viewers.[85] CBS moved the show to Thursdays at 8:00 ET for the 2010–2011 schedule.
Some of the show's success can be attributed to the 2010 timeslot move, the influence of showrunner Steve Molaro (who took over from Bill Prady) on the characters' storylines, and the series' exposure in off-network syndication (program reruns on stations outside of CBS).[84] Thus far throughout the 2012–13 season, The Big Bang Theory has usually placed first place in all of syndication ratings, receiving formidable competition only from Wheel of Fortune (first-run syndication). If the show is to be named the highest rated syndication offering by the completion of the 2012–13 season, it will have dethroned Judge Judy (first-run syndication) which was the syndication leader in the 2011–12 season but has been in 3rd place throughout much of the 2012–13 season.[86]
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